We’ve reached the point in Then Everything Happens at Once‘s publication journey where the ARCs are released.

ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies, bound galleys) are paperback versions of a semi-polished draft of the manuscript. This means it will have typos and still requires several passes of editing, but for the most part, it’s the final story.

For me, the experience is different this time around. I distinctly remember receiving the ARC of Girl Mans Up and staring at it, not understanding. I kept wanting to feel the thrill that I knew the moment called for–this was the tangible proof that what I’d been working on was a thing, a real book. But it did not compute. I couldn’t grasp the concept that authors write books, and I was now an author who wrote a book, and the ARC was the proof that it was happening. It was a weird feeling that followed me for a long time. This isn’t so for TEHAO–not at all. I had been waiting for this ARC, and when it arrived, I felt that thrill. I can’t stop carrying it around with me. I see the story that means so much to me in this thick stack of bound pages boasting its amazing cover, and I know it’s mine.

I’m SO excited! I just can’t even imagine what it will feel like to see the hardcover, to have that in my hands. But for now, the ARC is enough. It’s giving me all the feels.

I will be hosting a few giveaways in the next few weeks for readers who are excited for my next book and hope to read it before its official release day, so stay tuned for this!

Book reviewers can request TEHAO on Netgalley and Edelweiss. I thank you in advance for requesting, reading, and taking the time to review!

Then Everything Happens at Once comes out in January 2023!